Now that the core parts of the network is set up, we can set up a VPN server to allow connectivity to the home network while travelling. Conveniently, OPNsense provides a Wireguard service.

Static entrypoint

Before we can set up the VPN server, we need a static IP address or hostname which we can configure clients to connect to. If you have a static IP already, you can simply use that, or in my case, I use a dynamic DNS service with a custom domain. OPNsense also provides a dynamic DNS plugin os-ddclient that supports many providers.


Create instance

Under VPN > Wireguard, create a new instance. Give the instance a name, generate a key pair and set the tunnel address. The tunnel address is the LAN IP address of the Wireguard tunnel itself. This will be a private subnet, and can be thought of as the router IP for clients on the VPN subnet. The default used by Wireguard is This is find for my use case so I will use that.

Once the configuration is saved, restart Wireguard by enabling/disabling to apply the changes.

Assign interface

A new device will be created named wg0. Go to Interfaces > Assignments and assign the new interface by selecting the wg0 device and adding a descriptive name. Once saved, a new entry with the name will appear under Interfaces > [Interface Name]. Enable this interface by checking the box.

Generate peers

The Wireguard plugin provides a convenient peer generator that makes it very easy to add clients by text configuration or QR code. There are really only three settings that are important:

  • Endpoint - This is the external address that clients will use to connect. Assuming you are using the default port, this will be the hostname or static IP address with port 51820.
  • Allowed IPs - Specify a list of comma separated subnets that clients are allowed to access. For example if clients are only allowed to access the VPN subnet, this can be; if the client is to forward all traffic through Wireguard, this can be,::/0.
  • The DNS used by clients will be set to the tunnel address (, which will use system resolvers. This can be overridden in the “DNS Servers” field.

Remember to restart Wireguard after modifying the client list.